Gain strategic policy and legislative insight for the new Congressional and SC legislative sessions!

Where legislative analysis and research meets strategic impact- Capitol PolicySM. Conducting effective legislative and policy analyses are time-consuming and complex processes; however, it does not have to be so. Legislation impacts every facet of society. It is important to proactively identify and understand it to enable your organization to respond appropriately in a timely matter. Capitol PolicySM will provide you with the strategic intelligence to do so.
Chief Strategist and CEO Krystel Reid Heath's Founding Vision
“After nearly 20 years as an advocate, researcher, and analyst, I wanted to create a transformative tool to bridge the divide between having access to impartial legislative and policy information and its ease of understanding. Capitol PolicySM will provide timely updates and information for state and Congressional legislation along with easy to understand policy analyses, based on your needs. Sign-up below for regular updates. My team and I can’t wait to share this with you!”